I was hoping to pick up some more challenges to guide my reading in place of ARCs and this challenge sounds totally different and cool. Basically there are 10 challenges within to help you choose random books to read between June 1st to Nov. 30th. They are odd challenges like Random Word Book, were you get a random word and find a book to read that has that word in its title, Birth Year Book, were you read a book published in your birth year, Judge a Book by Its Cover, which is self explanatory. Go here to read more about it and sign up. Here is my list:
Random Book Selection
Serpent in the Garden of Dreams by Robin Messing was the center book on the center shelf in the middle of the row in the middle of the fiction section. (my review here)
Random Word
My random word was achievement. Against the Odds: Tales of Achievement by L.M. Montgomery (my review here)
Birth Year Book
Tuck Everlasting byNatalie Babbitt (my review here)
Judge a Book By Its Cover
Tethered by Amy MacKinnon (my review here)
Random Book Selection
Serpent in the Garden of Dreams by Robin Messing was the center book on the center shelf in the middle of the row in the middle of the fiction section. (my review here)
Random Word
My random word was achievement. Against the Odds: Tales of Achievement by L.M. Montgomery (my review here)
Birth Year Book
Tuck Everlasting byNatalie Babbitt (my review here)
Judge a Book By Its Cover
Tethered by Amy MacKinnon (my review here)

Phoning an Author
Breaking Her Fall by Stephen Goodwin
Public Spying
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowlings (can you believe I've never read HP before?) (my review here)
Random Best Seller
Lake Wobegone Days by Garrison Keillor
Lit Riff
This is not a book but a challenge to write a story based on the lyrics of a song. I can't wait to get started with this one. (my story here)
Poetic Review
I'm to write a review of three different forms of poetry: haiku, limerick and free verse. (my review here)
Movie/Book Comparison
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby (my review here)
Good luck with this challenge!
This sounds interesting. Are you going to really call the author? How do you get their number?
I'd be too shy to do that. Email them,yes, but call them I could not do.
Oh I just love the books you got! I'm guessing the Against the Odds is by the same author of Anne of Green Gables? And I adore the cover you picked ... now I want to read it based solely on the cover! It really is a stunning cover. And I'm so excited for you to entre the world of Harry Potter ... it is a terrific series .. I'm sure you'll get sucked in and read the entire series! Thanks for joining in and have fun with it. I can't wait to see the posts that come out of these books!
CB - Phoning an Author is not actually calling an author. You pick a random name from the phone book and read something from an author with that last name. At first I got a name that only had books written in spanish so I had to pick a second time.
This looks fun! I can't wait to see your review on Tethered. I so want to read that book!
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