by Natalie Babbitt
Winnie Foster is a young girl wanting to burst out into the world and have an adventure doing something her mother and grandmother would consider dangerous. It is this urge that puts her in a place to meet the Tucks. The Tuck family has been successfully hiding the secret of it's family curse and the curse's source for many decades now. Until Winnie. Now they have someone they can talk to about all the heartache that comes with living forever. But there is a dark figure who wants to know the secret to their eternal youth for the sake of profit.
This was a cute children's book that makes one think of what it might really be like to live forever knowing that nothing you do would ever age you or kill you; how this could be more of a curse than a blessing. It's simple and playful. Not much to chew on for adults but then it wasn't written for adults. It was entertaining for an hour or so.
I read this for the Take a Chance Challenge as my Birth Year Book. To find out more about this challenge (it's never too late to start) you can visit Find Your Next Book Here or you can peek at my personal challenge books here.

I liked this book. I thought it delved into the issues of what it would be like to live forever on a pretty good level, for a kid's book.
I've heard this book mentioned, but hadn't really any idea about the plot. I think this might be a good book to read to my friend's younger kids, as they are not really into reading. Hopefully a few good books read aloud will do the trick. Thanks for mentioning this title, I will have to search it out.
This was one of my fave books when I was younger. I still have my old copy! I want to re-read it, but hesitate because what if it's not as good as I remember...
I've never read this book, but I know it was made into a movie. Thanks for having a kind view of it ... I hate when books written for children and not adults are reviewed from an adult's perspective.
Sooooooo.. I'm Cassie.. I finished reading this book about an hour ago, I started this morning :] I'm in ninth grade and we were told to choose from three books to read for an assignment, i'm not gonna get into that though.. Tuck Everlasting had everything I love in a book. Suspense, murder ( haha ), and just a little bit of a love story :]. Natalie made a bold choice choosing to kill Winnie.. As I was saying, the Epilouge only stated she died. A few of the many questions I was left with were, Did she forget the Tucks? I didn't get how she died( I know, i'm stupid ), What happened to that dang toad? Did they tell Jesse and Miles? How did they take it, if so? Did they find a life of there own? And so on. This was a fantastic book. :] I wish there were a sequel.. Maybe it was a mis-understanding, and there just happened to be another women with that name? Haha, Oh well. Books will be books :] Fantastic book. I would recommend it :]
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