by Amy MacKinnon
Clara is a reclusive undertaker who knows the pain the world has to offer. She rarely speaks and she never lets anyone touch her. She is deeply scarred but working in the mortuary brings her peace. But then she finds Trecie, the young girl that wanders the funeral home grounds. Trecie is a girl who understands as much about pain and survival as Clara does, and she has some kind of connection to Precious Doe, a little girl found dead in the woods, a mystery never solved.
Isn't that cover just stunning? I love the colors and the grace of the woman floating in the water. I had to know about Clara and Trecie. But the book was not what I expected. I thought it would be a quiet, contemplative story. That's how it starts but it soon becomes anxious and then menacing. When the action kicks in it doesn't stop. It becomes a crescendo of danger and fear. This was definitely not contemplative. It was suspenseful. And I enjoyed every minute of it.
There were several mysteries to discover throughout. MacKinnon gave several possibilities for each one to keep the reader guessing. You're never sure who can be trusted and what will happen next. It was a little predictable but it wasn't always the storyline that kept me reading. I really liked Clara and I had to know what happened to her that made her so withdrawn and what she would do with the circumstances she found herself in. I also wanted to follow along as the mystery surrounding Trecie was brought to light. A book with great characters and a gripping story always make for a great book.
By way of warning: there are many gross issues laid out in the book. Clara is an undertaker so there is some little details about what that entails. There is also a connection with kiddie p*rn so if you are sensitive to that you may want to avoid reading this one. It's not detailed but enough information to give the reader some discomfort. I felt it was not out of line for the character of the book.
One word review:
I chose this book as my Judge a Book By Its Cover choice for the Take a Chance Challenge. I have been led astray by cover art in the past but I am so glad that this one was not in that category. If you want to get in on this fun challenge go to Find Your Next Book Here for all the details.

I won this book a while ago and it's been languishing in my stacks ever since then. I'm going to sneak it up a few spots after reading your review.
I've been wanting to read this for awhile, so I'm glad to see you think it's worthy. :)
Glad to have made it something to look forward to. I hope you both enjoy it as much as I did.
That cover really is gorgeous - I am trying to decide whether I'm brave enough to give it a go, given how completely squeamish I am...
This book sounds amazing. I love stories that seem to be quiet and turn out to be intense, so this one looks good. I am not really too bothered by grossness or morbidity, so I don't think I would have a problem with the book. I am glad you enjoyed it. Great review!
I'm almost 100% sure that someone else doing this challenge chose this same book for the "judge a book by its cover" part of the challenge!! I remember seeing this cover -- it is absolutely stunning and you don't forget it. And I loved your review... it sounds like a book I want to read. Glad this worked out for you!
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