by Sandra Dallas
I was having a hard time putting my impressions down about this book. I thought Payers for Sale by Dallas was beautifully told and entertaining. This one was more conventional, nothing extraordinary. The characters were still good, if too many to keep track of. I've heard complaints about the names (Queenie Bean, Ella Crook, Cheed Root, Prosper, Skillet) but I think they are fun, especially when the subject matter is serious or dull. They add humor and character.
But I decided that rather than write a boring old review about a book that was nice but nothing special, instead I'd use this opportunity to fulfill a leg of the Take a Chance Challenge and write my review in poetic form. Enjoy.
Small town quilting bee
New girl solves a mystery
Happy endings abound
There was a young lady named Bean
Who at a quilting bee was seen
She made a new friend
With a mystery to attend
In the end everyone did come clean
Free Form
Tough times
Heat and drought
Everyone struggles
Pressure mounts
Innocence doubted
Comfort not to be found
Keeping secrets kept
Loyalty is sacred
Everlasting support

Awesome poetry review! I really liked this different review style, and thought you did a great job with the poetry. I think it might be fun to review a book like this, but sadly, I stink at poetry.
Very impressive! I could never write reviews in poetic form.
Those poems were great! Much better then mine. :) Thanks for stopping by on Saturday to cheer me on during the readathon!
I love the poems! That's such an excellent way of doing reviews. :)
Zibilee & BermudaOnion-I didn't think I could do it either but it wasn't so hard.
Buckeye Girl-I loved you poems. You're not afraid to poke a little fun at yourself and your prefered genre. It's great.
Jenny-Wish i could take credit for the idea. I'll remember it when I get stuck on a review again.
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