Books: I took way too long to read The Ghost Writer considering it was a page turner. I'm not entirely please with it. You'll have to read my review when it goes up next week. Now I'm reading Harry Potter. For the first time. It's not exactly by choice but because of a challenge. We'll see what happens.
Challenges: RIP IV Challenge? One down, one to go. Take a Chance Challenge? Four out of ten done. Clear Off Your Shelves Challenge? Two of two are off the shelves so I'm at 100% thus far. Cool beans!
FlyLady: I fell off the wagon about 1.5 weeks ago. I didn't really notice until Friday when I had to do a Stash'N'Dash before company came over. That's when you run around like a crazy person hiding all your junk in the closets and out in the garage because there is not enough time to put it away where it actually belongs. But the great thing about FlyLady is that you can hop back on the wagon and jump right into the program where ever it is right now. So this week my bathrooms will sparkle.
Food: I grilled chicken. All by myself. And it didn't turn black or catch fire or anything. On the one hand, I feel more self-sufficient. On the other, now my husband will expect me to rule the range. Shoot.
Computer: I have a lovely purple laptop that the hubby got me for my birthday a year and a half ago but lately I've had reason to pull my hair out. It's been freezing up on me once a week for about 2 months now and this week it has frozen 5 times. Grrrrr! My hubby, the computer genius, hasn't been able to make the problem go away. He is thinking it is a hard drive thing, which is very, very bad. So if I disappear for a while you'll know that I'm not avoiding you. I'm being fitted for a wig while hubby makes my laptop obedient once again.
Homeschool: My daughter(she's 12) got 70 pages in to Robinson Crusoe before she begged me to let her stop. She can't stand it. I think she gave it a fair shot so I let her quit. Yeah, I'm cool like that. Thankfully she is super excited that her next book is about Mary, Queen of Scots.
I watched the old 'Romeo and Juliet' movie with my kiddos since we just learned about Shakespeare. I warned them ahead of time that there was a little peek-a-boo scene with Juliet but I had not remembered that Romeo's tush had several minutes(or so it seemed to this mom) of air time. I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or my daughter(the boys didn't seem to care). I tried to appear as if it was no big deal when she asked if she should cover her eyes but I'm sure I failed to look at ease. But we survived. When the movie was over I wanted to cry out, "Why Mercutio? Why a curse of both their houses?" I cried on and off for the next hour. I love that story.
And apparently I am not the only one who sees a resemblance between Leonard Whiting(Romeo) and Zac Efron.

Those two really do look alike!
I am reading The Seance by John Harwood, and I loved it but somewhere along the way it lost just a little bit of it's oomph. It worked nicely in the end but here was a little change that I noticed. Interested to see what you think of The Ghost Writer. I still want to read it, but not as desperately as when I started reading The Seance.
Zac Efron is such a pretty boy.. he has gorgeous eyes. Ah, to be young again. LOL.
Your computer freezing up does sound like a hard drive issue. You may have to re-install Windows or whatever platform you are using.
Sorry to hear about your computer. I hope that the problem gets fixed quickly and without much hassle. As for Robinson Crusoe, my daughter asked me to buy her a copy, which I did, but she hated it and gave it up after a couple of chapters. She thought is was extremely dry and boring.
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