I have been staring longingly at my well stocked shelves for the last couple of months thinking, "as soon as I finish these ARCs..." only to find myself requesting yet another ARC. But I have some exciting news, I'm on my last review copy right now. It will be reviewed by the end of the week. *rejoice* With this goal accomplished I can make room for another: to read the books I have already paid good money for. So this new challenge comes with perfect timing.
Clear Off Your Shelves Challenge. It is what it sounds like. The 2 most important rules are these: the books must have been on your shelves for at least 6 months and you estimate a percentage of books to read instead of a number of books. I'm going to aim low with a 50% goal. That means that if I read 10 books between 10/1/09 and 11/30/09 then 5 of them should be something I bought or received back in March or earlier. As I have almost 700 unread books languishing in neat little rows this challenge shouldn't be all that challenging.
Come join the fun. From what I have seen around the blogosphere there will be loads of friends to cheer each other on. Visit S. Krishna's Books for details and to link up.
I'm doing this one too. I hope it motivates me. Good luck!
I need this challenge; hope it helps LOL
Your stack of unreads sounds a lot like mine. Although I don't really enter a lot of challenges, I think I may just try to get on board with this one. It seems like a great way to clear some shelf room. Good luck!
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