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I am in Northern California, along the coast. There is a home that has been mistakenly taken away from a depressed and deserted woman and auctioned to an Eastern Indian immigrant trying to regain his self worth. It doesn't end well(from what I've heard).
House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III

San Mateo County, California
I didn't read the book, but saw the movie, and thought it was very, very sad. I hope you are enjoying it.
I'm in Los Angeles with comedian kathy Griffin as she launches her career :-)
I was recently in China. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. My sister made me read it. It was amazing. A culture so different, it was almost like another planet.
Zibilee-I keep hearing how depressing the movie is. It makes me curious to see what is so depressing about it. Right now I have only an inkling about the direction the story is going.
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