November 24, 2008

The Sunday Salon

Well, I'm posting from the other side of the L.A. fires this week. I saw no fire damage from the freeway but then I couldn't see much with all the brown, sooty air. *cough cough* Hopefully the bad air quality will mean lots of writing time for me since I need to write about 18,000 more words this week to complete the NaNoWriMo challenge. I've just finished with the rewriting of the beginning and i like this one much better. I've had a couple more ideas that I hope will get me through to the end. I could use all the cheerleaders I can get. Go Petunia!

I'm excited about an anonymous comment from my sister to the last post. I didn't think she was still reading. Hi Bren! Thanks for reminding me about The Monster at the End of This Book. I think that was the most read book in the house, like, ever. I don't know what happened to it (probably a garage sale) but my kids have a copy of their own and they loved it as much as we did. My kids also like the sequel, Another Monster at the End of This Book with Grover and Elmo. "Turny turny. Turn, turn." was a favorite phrase when the MonkeyBoy was a wee one.

Reading? Whose reading? I am but very very slowly. I will finish up Sarah's Key this week. I mean it this time. I also brought a couple of books with me on vacation but I think that was being a bit ambitious. As always, we'll see what happens.

I hope you all have a happy happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful to see my family again. Mom, Grandma, and my hairy little brothers (the four legged variety) have been sorely missed. Wish the other brother and the sister with her kiddos were here too but I'm hoping for a family Christmas together. Be well, friends. Eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie, then nap the day away. Come on, you know you want to.


Anonymous said...

My son's home for Thanksgiving break and I think he missed the dog more than he missed me. Good luck with your writing.

Jeane said...

We always loved the Monster at the End of the Book when I was little, too.

Petunia said...

BermudaOnion-Mom's dogs are crazy and my youngest is afraid of them so vacations can be trying but you just gotta love um.

Jeane-I think it's a definite classic. I can't believe I forgot it on my list.