by Jennie Shortridge
Wow! I know it's become cliche to say a book is compelling but never was a book more fit for the verb than When She Flew. From the moment I broke the spine I had to find out what happened next. I even neglected my precious computer. This is seriously good reading.
Thirteen year old Lindy has been living undetected with her Iraq vet father for 5 years in a wildlife sanctuary in Oregon when she is spotted. Police are sent to investigate and make sure the girl is in no danger. Officer Jess Villareal disagrees with her Sergeant who has decided that Lindy should be put in foster care until her safety is verified. Jess has a sense about people and her sense tells her that separation from her father will cause more damage to Lindy than good, so she does something she has never done before: she goes against protocol and helps the father and daughter escape from police custody. Jess is just doing what she believes to be right but it will have farther reaching consequences than she could have imagined.
There is just nothing about this book that I didn't love. The characters were all sympathetic (except the mom who, thankfully, was given very little ink) and courageous. Lindy was beautiful and brave. Jess was strong and full of righteous conviction. The reactions of the police department as well as the community felt genuine. Even the excessive cussing was what I believe would be accurate to this type of situation. This was a story that could definitely be real. In fact it was based on a real circumstance that the author touches on in a small interview in the back of the book.
What I admired the most about this novel was that everyone (except mom) was trying to do the right thing. They were all honorable in their own way. They stayed in character and they developed consistently within that character. I kept rooting for the good guys and dreading the dangerous possibilities. The cover blurb says, "Taut, beautifully rendered." I agree 100%.
You should read this book. Seriously. Now!
Thanks! Put it on my To-Read list.
I finished Hearts of Horses today. Beautifully written, tight, narration that didn't compel me to skim.
Wow! Another blogger shared her copy with me. She said it was good, but I didn't realize she meant that good. I can't wait to read it.
I skimmed a bit since I am reading this one now for a tour at the end of the month. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am not that far into it yet so it's good to know that it's so riveting.
I heard other bloggers rave about this book too ... I'm going to put it on my wish list. And any book that can keep you away from your computer must be a good one! Thanks for a wonderful and inspiring review!
Wow, this sounds like a great read. "Taut, beautifully rendered" sounds good to me.
Great review! I love it when bloggers love the book they are reading! It shows up in the review and now I want to read it too :)
I am going to be getting the chance to read this soon and it sounds like it is going to be great! I agree that the story sounds very compelling and I can't wait to get to it. Great review, I am glad you liked this one so much!!
This is a wonderful book, and I certainly agree with you. I read it in one day.
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