Has a book ever transported you to a new land or experience? Share where your reading has taken you this week. Visit An Adventure in Reading to participate.
I am a girl convicted of murder in Kingston in Canada. A doctor of a new branch of medicine, psychology, is trying to figure out my guilt or innocence.
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

I love Atwood. Anytime!
Teaser Tuesdays: Cold Skin by Steven Herrick
Alias Grace was a good read by Atwood. Not as favored by me as Cat's Eye, or The Robber Bride, but still good. Certainly better than Oryx and Crake. ;)
So far I am very impressed. I'll some of her other works to the queue, but not Oryx and Crate. :D
I need to put Atwood on my reading list. I love the title of your blog.
Thanks. It's a play on my love of learning and my position as teacher of our homeschool.
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