I really wasn't a reader until our homeschool opened. I was nervous about schooling at home for this reason. But as I sat down and read books with my kids I realized that I was learning along side them. Not only that but it was sparking in me a desire to find out more about the topics under study. At first I picked up children's classics at random because the label of 'classic' implies a scholarliness. Even if it wasn't teaching history or science, it is likely teaching grammar, spelling, use of imagination and practice for further reading. I found myself talking about my reading constantly. And I noticed that the more I read, the more my time improved. Practice really does make progress.
Even though today I remain a very slow reader, I read every single day. And so do my kids. We are most definitely a reading family.

BTW, I'm on my third book, The Coming of the Fairies by Arthur Conan Doyle. It is quite captivating. I'm not yet needing a nap or caffeine. That cherry coke is still in the fridge waiting for the perfect moment to perk me up, though I did get into the bag of 100 Grand.
I applaud your courage and determination to take on the daunting challenge of learning or improving a skill as an adult that represented frustration to you as a child. It's wonderful that you've reached the point that reading rewards you with knowledge, pleasure and a sense of mastery.
There is no shame to reading slow. Something I had to learn as my eyesight degenerated and I lost the ability to speed read that I had taken for granted.
It is wonderful how you have now instilled the love of reading in your children. That is a gift that will keep on giving. Even unto the next generation.
I love that pic of your son hidden behind the picture book nearly as big as he.
Read for joy.
Hey! We are almost halfway thru! Yay!!
I think a lot of readers have a thirst for knowledge. You can learn a lot even from fiction. Keep up the good work!
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