My first confession: I'm insecure. Okay, so most people are but specifically about my big mouth. While I think this meme will be fun I have some trepidation about sharing the kinds of things that will make you not like me anymore. There are two quotes that haunt me as I have proved them so many times it isn't even funny.
"For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." ~ The Bible, James 3:7 & 8
"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." ~author unresolved
I have a tendency to speak faster than I can think. I have a tendency to share the wrong things in the wrong places or with the wrong people. I have lost all hope of being able to tame my beastly tongue. So I ask you to not be offended by the views I share. I value honesty and welcome thoughtful debate.
And with that bit of vulnerability I will leave you with a song aptly titled My Stupid Mouth.
Oh, we all say things we regret later - that's just part of life. Don't sweat it and be yourself.
I love that song!! :)
Hello, Petunia! I enjoyed reading this post. However, after reading your entries occasionally, you don't strike me as insecure at all.
Do you really like John Mayer? I loved his music before, but right now, it seems that all he cares about is being spotted by the papparazzi.
BermudaOnion-If I didn't say things that embarrassed me then I just wouldn't be myself. :)
Amy-Isn't it great?
Peter-It's good to know that the insecurities don't show. John Mayer is my FAVORITE singer/song writer. I tend to think he's a jerk IRL but his music thrills me.
I had the same problem when I was in my late 20s but as I got older, I seemed to be a bit more comfortable in my own skin. I don't care so much what people think of me personally. I do a little, but not like I used to.
I like Mayer's music but I think he is a jerk too. He comes off as pompous most of he time.
Thanks for posting a confession! Doesn't it feel good? I am working on my post now.
I tend to say a lot of things that I regret later as well. I think as I get older I am a bit more sensitive to it, which is weird, because I thought it would get easier as I got older, but no such luck. I try not to worry about it too much, but sometimes it gets the better of me.
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