by Angela Johnson
Wow! That was an incredible experience. I followed the suggestion of Michelle at 1 More Chapter and listened to this on audio book that I got from my library. I am so glad I did. I won't say anything about it because I'm afraid of giving away important plot spoilers but go read Michelle's review and check out the book right away. I agree with her 4 1/2 star rating because there is some language but it is an example of "appropriate for the context" even if it didn't really further the storyline. Reserve judgment until you have listened to the entire thing. Then come back here and tell me what you thought.
Has an audio book ever moved you in a way that reading the novel may not have? What are some of your favorite audio books?
I liked this book, too. I liked that it was told from the teenage father's perspective. And, I don't necessarily find his audiobooks moving, but I love listening to David Sedaris. And I just listened to Steve Martin's memoir, Born Standing Up, and I really enjoyed that.
So glad you liked this one too!
I used to listen to a lot of audio books during commutes and road trips, but stopped about a year ago. It sounds like I should grab this audio book though. Your review has me thinking it might be something spectacular.
I loved this book and I recommended to many students in my middle school library. Her other books are also note worthy. Heaven, and Looking for Red, that I call off the top of my head.
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