October 24, 2009

Mini-Challenge #4

So far I have finished 1 book and participated in all the mini-challenges. This new challenge was to pick 3-4 books and create a sentence with the titles.

In case you can't read that, it says: After all these years, Lolita lost and found atonement. And I think Lolita is probably grateful for that atonement, don't you?

My next book is Green Angel by Alice Hoffman.


Anonymous said...

This one is really good. Keep going :)

ccqdesigns said...

Such a great morning here in South Alabama, just the perfect time to grab that cup of coffee and read, read, read!!! So keep up the great reading and enjoy!!!
the Transcendentalists team!

Kristen said...

Love your sentence! Happy reading today. :-)

Susan said...

I love your sentence! Very well thought out. Keep up the good reading.

Tracie Yule said...

Great sentence! And great choice of books. I loved Atonement!

Anonymous said...

Ooo Atonement & Alice Hoffman. Great stuff. Enjoy!

Bri Ahearn said...

I LOVE Dogs of Babel by Carolyn Parkhurt. I hope you like Love and Found!