October 18, 2007

Take a Peek at my Books

Finally, my treasured possesses are making an appearance. While we have many many bookshelves around the house, eight in the library alone, these are mine. Keep in mind that I've only been a reader for five years and that I've only been collecting, on a budget, for about two years.

On the shelf to the left you will find the following:top shelf, cookbooks and quilting books; second shelf, non-fiction and poetry; third and fourth shelves, novels written in the last 20 or 30 years; fifth and sixth shelves, compilation sets for kids and homeschool books we are not using this year. The shelves on the right(my favorite) are:shelves one and two, 1909 Harvard Classics I got for $10. and various anthologies; the next four shelves, classic fiction in alphabetical order according to the author's last name.

They are a beauty to behold IRL. I find myself staring at them frequently when I'm feeling uncertain about life. But I barely have any room left. The Theologian says he will not buy me anymore shelves for a while so I had better modify my book buying indulgences soon. But it's a good thing I didn't start today or I never would have found that used copy of Master and Commander for the upcoming Seafaring Challenge. =)


Anonymous said...

These are lovely and you are so organized! My books are only very loosely organized by subject, I keep promising myself I will get better... I envy your Harvard Classics.

Ana S. said...

Lovely bookshelves! And I love how you organized them so carefully. Mine are a bit of a mess. I should do something about it.

Petunia said...

Thanks. I'll have to put up the photos of the rest of the library. My hubby's 6 bookshelves are way more organized than mine.

Eva said...

I love seeing bookshelves! My cookbooks are in the kitchen, since my bookshelves are in my room.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Very nice bookshelves. I have a few throughout the house, but none are matching. I've run out of room, so I have random stacks of books all over the place. I keep telling Hubby that all I want for Christmas is a bookshelf (right now I'm using a flimsy DVD rack from Wal-Mart in desperation).

Thanks for sharing your treasures!

Carrie K said...

Nice books and bookcase! Envy, envy envy.

Petunia said...

Eva-my kitchen is on the backside of the bookshelf wall so they are close at hand when I need them.

Trish-I always had dreams of being a decorator so I had to have the pretty, matching shelves. The library is the best looking room in the house.

Carrie-wait til you see the rest of them. ;)