by Neil Gaiman
In a recent trip to a name-brand bookstore I purchased a little red leather bound book entitled Books I Love. Each page inside has a space for you to record the titles and information about a beloved book. Last night I filled the first page with Stardust. That's how much I have loved this book. It was perfect.
The story is about Tristran Thorn and his quest to find a fallen star to present to his true love. We follow Tristran as he travels through the land of Faerie with his star and the many adventures he encounters with both good and evil forces, and how these encounters replace the boy with a man.
There are a couple different threads that start off separate but come together, entangle, and then weave into a tapestry that makes the heart sing. By the end you believe that everything is as it should be, not just in Faerie but in the real world as well.
Why did I love this book so much? Well I love fairies, unicorns, magic, good conquering over evil, even witches. I love good guys who know what good looks like and follow it without question. I love stories about love where the main characters aren't arguing with themselves about whether or not they are in love. Ultimately, what I loved the most is that it felt genuine. The emotions, the actions, the flow of the story. It was perfect!
This was my first novel by Gaiman, of whom I've heard such wonderful things for the last few weeks thanks to the Once Upon a Time Challenge. And I've learned that Stardust will be in the theaters in August of this year. I am all anticipation!
I can now mark off 3 books from my challenge list. But scratching the surface of the fantasy genre has sparked a fire under me. I am currently reading(or listening to) 2 other fantasies that are not on my list: Inkheart and The Tail of Emily Windsnap. I am also flipping through a nonfantasy, just-for-fun read, Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlin.When I have had my little rest I will delve into The Odyssey and Grimms' Fairy Tales. Yes, there is a lot of readin' goin' on around here.
I'm so glad to hear your liked it. Neil Gaiman is wonderful, isn't he? And the book does feel genuine. One of my favourite things about it is how the different threads come together at the end. A beautiful tale told masterfully!
Oh, I really must pick this book up. Everyone seems totally captivated...I must get in on this action!
I finished reading Inkheart just this morning. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Wasn't it wonderful! Stardust was my introduction to Neil Gaiman, and then Coraline. I loved both of them.
Oh, that sounds really good! I've got to pull it off my TBR shelves.
My niece loves Inkheart! She's dying for me to read it but she can't bear to part with her copy.
I'm so pleased to read that you liked Stardust. It is a beautiful book.
It's also great to hear that the challenge has sparked your interest in fantasy in general too. There are so many wonderful books in the fantasy genre, so much great writing to enjoy.
Hope you go on to read some more of Gaiman's work. His children's books would be great to share with your family.
I have read so many good things about this book. I really need to read it. Thanks for the review.
I've just finished reading Stardust last night. It's a beautiful story, though the ending has a poignancy I did not expect from a fairy story. And it seems the movie version has some changes to the story - I'm now a little apprehensive about the film version. Michelle Pfeiffer or not - I hope the movie will not suck.
Dark Orpheus-I know. The preview looks like they changed the story too much. I'll probably watch it but it makes me a bit nervous.
Framed, Carrie K, Debi-definitely read it and soon. It is so good. And Inkheart is wonderful so far as well.
Quixotic, Robin, Nymeth-I plan to listen to Coraline on tape and to read his short stories next. Then I may check out American Gods and Neverwhere. Yup. I've caught the fever.
I liked this one, too. I hope the movie is as delightful as the book.
"Ultimately, what I loved the most is that it felt genuine." That is put so delightfully well. I totally agree.
And you have to tell me where you got that little red book, I have to have one!
I think it's funny how a fantasy book can feel more genuine than a book that takes place in real time and space. Perhaps it's more like the world I inhabit in my mind. In my own special world, unicorns, magic, and fairies are real.
The little red book was $8. at B&N, in the journal section.
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